Spring Time Memories – Wordless Wednesday

This week we are featuring an adorable photo from Lolli over at Better in Bulk.  We love how all the kids are lined up prepared to pose for a photo except the little one.  When you see a photo like this, you can’t help but smile.

Don’t forget to share your Wordless Wednesday photos with us for a chance to be featured next week.



  1. Ahh! Thanks for featuring my kids! What’s funny about that picture is that my kids were a little grumpy about standing there….until my little niece got loose and ran in front of the camera. Luckily, I was ready for the “perfect” shot!

  2. What a great photo! Cute family…

    It was great hanging out with Lolli this past week.

  3. What a great photograph, that is awesome, way to bring smiles to their faces, they just don’t like pictures anymore, I’ve got to “trick” them into it!

  4. Even though you can’t see the little one’s full face you really captured her joy. Love the photo.

  5. There’s always one! But, you’re right, it adds to the fun (and cuteness factor)! :)

  6. She has a pretty good looking family!!!

  7. I love this picture!! so true that little one or at least one of the few kids always ends up not cooperating at picture time but it’s a fun memory captured!